Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Lamprey Mouth

Lampreys are a kind of eel. They are part of the jawless fish family. The only other member of the jawless fish family is the hag fish. Hag fish live in the ocean. Lampreys latch onto fish and drink their blood, like vampire bats, except lampreys sometimes kill the fish and vampire bats do not kill their victims. 

Carp are very big fish. These two are silver carp. Carp live in dirty water. Carp have a mouth that turns into a tube when they eat and they vacuum up their food. Their diet includes minnows, rotten fish and other disgusting things. There is a fair called the Carp Fair, but it isn't celebrating carp. The fair celebrates the town of carp. In the town there is a river that looks like it would have carp in it.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Alligator Gar

Alligator gars can grow very big. They live in Australia. Other kinds of gar can grow big but not as big as the alligator gar. Other kinds of gar also live in the Ottawa river and other places. Gar that live in the Ottawa river eat minnows and are eaten by loons.


\Muskie skull

Muskie are more gruesome than pike because of their diet. People have been bitten by Muskie. This makes them more gruesome than pike. Pike eat sunfish, frogs, small mice, and minnows.

Largemouth bass are the top predator in the bass family. Their diet consists of frogs, salamanders, sunfish, smaller bass, and even small pike. They may even be above pike in the food chain.

Lake Trout
Whitefish, lake trout and sturgeon are all deep water fish. Sometimes lake trout and whitefish can live deeper than sturgeon, which means they can tolerate very big pressure. They must have very strong skin. The pressure is so strong it can crush a person to a very small size.

Sturgeon are really endangered. As usual it's from humans. Its biggest threats are hydro electric dams, fishing, and pollution.

Salmon are endangered and yet people keep fishing them. It looks like a few million are caught every day.

This is a salmon fillet. If we keep cutting salmon into fillets, salmon could become extinct. We need to do something quickly because salmon are in trouble.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Some species of sturgeon can grow to 5.5 meters long! Some even eat pike, one of the biggest predators in fresh water lakes in Canada.

Pike are coloured with yellow ovals with a dark orange background. There are only two members in the pike family: muskie and pike. There are three kinds of muskie: spotted, clear and barred. Muskie can grow bigger than pike and can grow as big as an eight year old child.